Adapting to E-Commerce Trends in 2023 and Beyond.

The rate of change and growth in e-commerce has always been rapid. Yes, Covid-19 put everything into overdrive, but many external factors were already in motion before then. While some online businesses are tackling the changes head on, ready and willing to adapt and stay agile in their every approach while others are simply getting …

Reason E-Commerce Businesses Need a Strong Inbound Strategy.

In the past, e-commerce businesses have applied site optimization and paid campaigns ads as primary means of revenue growth. Although this approach isn’t completely outdated, recent changes in consumer behavior, customer needs, and cost increases for paid advertisements have made the landscape of e-commerce marketing more complicated. As far back as 2002, organic growth served …

Ways To Build Customer Loyalty Amidst Sky-High Inflation.

With inflation in the world, hitting 9.1% in in U.S alone, merchants are facing tremendous challenges when it comes to building customer loyalty and keeping it. Given that brand manufacturers are facing declining margins as inflation hits them hard too, how can they build a more loyal customer base without resorting to deep discounts to …

The Future of E-Commerce Payments in the Multiverse.

The metaverse, megaverse and multiverse is the latest trending word everyone is talking about. However, is it an efficient sales channel for retailers? The answer at the present time for most is no. To succeed, there are barriers to get beyond. Payment processing is a major factor of them all. In reality, all payments aside …

Personalization Trends To Change E-Commerce in 2023.

The new trends are turning in the consumers’ direction. New moves in the consumer market solely based on their favorites have taken hold in the retail industry, especially in e-commerce, as personalized experiences are now an inherent part of the customer journey. In larger environs, personalization in 2023 will be more about brands strategizing their …

Retailers And Wholesalers! It’s Time To Get Phygital.

Attention retailers and wholesalers! Are your stores ready to get Phygital? A successful Phygital retail master plan blends the useful elements of the in-person customer experience into the digital sphere interchangeably. Most of today’s shoppers use their phones throughout the in-store experience, and research shows that they still crave elements of online shopping. This growth …