We offer our users a free basic account to list their products and services on our online marketplace. However, we also offer a paid subscription option that provides additional benefits to help users grow their business.

The account upgrade works as follows: with a free account, users can only list one to three products for free. To benefit from the full range of features on the platform, they need to upgrade their account to a paid subscription.

By upgrading to a paid subscription, users can unlock a range of features that can help them sell more products and services on our platform. These features include the ability to list more products, access to premium marketing tools, and the ability to feature their products more prominently in search results.

Here are some of the benefits of upgrading to a paid subscription:

Increased product listings: Paid subscribers can list more products on our platform, which can increase their visibility and sales potential.

Access to premium marketing tools: Paid subscribers have access to premium marketing tools that can help them promote their products and reach more customers. These tools may include Featured ads, social media promotion, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO).

Increased visibility: Paid subscribers can feature their products more prominently in search results and other areas of our platform, which can increase their visibility and attract more potential customers.

Improved analytics: Paid subscribers have access to advanced analytics tools that  can help them track their sales and better understand their customers' behavior.

Our paid subscription is a monthly recurring payment, and users can cancel or upgrade their subscription at any time. By upgrading to a paid subscription, users can take their business to the next level and reach more potential customers on our online marketplace.